Sunday, February 17, 2019

Praying Our Way Forward

This isn't going to be like any of my normal posts for my sermon shorts.  This was a more difficult message to give because of its topic.  Rather than typing a full post, I'll link to a video of the message below, and then direct you to find more information.

The United Methodist Church is having a special called session of the General Conference that starts on Saturday February 23 in St. Louis.  The message covers what is going on, and what the General Conference will be working through.  

What they are doing is finding a way forward in regards to the issues of homosexuality, or more broadly human sexuality.  Below the video are a set of links to information on our conference website that covers more of what is taking place.

If you have questions, or just want to talk, please contact me and we can sit down for a cup of coffee.  The most important thing I want us to remember is that God still loves us, and will guide us through the conflict.  It's what God does.  As you go through this week, please keep everyone involved in this special session in your prayers.  There's is a tough job, and they will need all the help and support they can get.

Conference Resources
Bishop's Way Forward Conversation
One Church Plan Overview
Traditionalist Plan Overview
Connectional Conference Plan Overview
More detailed overview of all three plans (some details have changed since this document was put together, so not all the details will be correct, but gives you a more in depth understanding)

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