Monday, August 27, 2018

Ask Away

Yesterday I did my first question Sunday in Marceline!  It was a lot of fun, and I enjoy getting questions and finding answers.  I'll admit that I'm probably a little crazy for doing it, but its challenging for me, and over the years I've found that folks have questions that aren't always going to get answered through the normal course of my preaching.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Growing Up

Growing up isn't easy.  If you've ever tried it, and most of us probably have (even if I try to avoid it regularly), then you know that it isn't easy.  There are all sorts of things that get in the way and challenge us as we go try to go forward.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Cringeworthy Judge

The story of Samson is a crazy, and mostly confused story.  The confusion doesn't come from the story, but its interpretation over the years.  Samson has been treated as some sort of tragic hero that was ultimately persecuted for his beliefs.

That isn't really the story.

Monday, August 6, 2018

5yr Old and a Puddle

I love the story of Noah's Ark.  There is no more quintessential children's story in scripture than Noah.  It's a story that I think is a lot of fun.  When I did this on Sunday morning, I wanted to know what everyone knows about this story.  So I gave them a little quiz.  You can see the questions below, and I'll add a little explanation to them.