Saturday, September 28, 2019

Planning for Fear

Way back when I was in Seminary, I had a lot of expectations.  There were the ones that you would think future pastors would have, but there were also some others that you might not think of.  Most of those revolved around my long commute to get to campus, about 2.5 hours.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Entering a Different World

Based on the scripture reading for this post, Mark 5:2-13, would you have been uncomfortable in that same situation? You might be tempted to give the Jesus Juke answer, and that might be true looking back on it after some time has passed, but how would you feel in the moment?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Opening Old Doors

Have you ever walked into an old room that you haven't been in in a while, or that no one has been in in a while?  What's it smell like?  What does it look like?  Are their signs of life there?  Are you worried about what signs of life you might find, like the creepy crawly kind? 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Expanding our Community

One of my favorite stores to go to is Dollar Tree.  Partially, I like that I know how much everything costs, but there are also some things that I always know are there.  One of them is this kids toy that has a spinning disk.  You slide the disk down this thing that looks like Harry Potter's wand, and then you lift it back up off it it, and the disk takes off and will spin across the room.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Wisdom over Intellect

I was listening to a podcast on the rise and fall of Enron recently. If you don't remember, they were one of the world's largest companies, and dealt primarily with all the different ways you might produce power.